We serviced a
Model KDTM404ESS3
Near Owings Mills, MD 21117
Justin S.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
CX complaint dw leaking from door. Ran diagnosis cycle. Found codes f9e4(Lower spray arm) f5e1(Door switch door stuckopem). Seen a large amount of suds building up to installion and wicking up and causesing leak.Cleaned dish washer by placing vingar on top shelf and running. No codes appeared and CX to continue cleaning dishwasher.
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW
Near Gloucester, VA 23061
Justin W.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint unit not working. checked unit to find error code f7e6. checked to find actuator bad. replaced from pre id and tested unit working as designed
We serviced a
Model JDPSS246LL0
Near Arlington, VA 22201
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint dishwasher beeping incessantly with no error codes. cx mentioned dishwasher had not been working properly for about 2 weeks after a major storm. put machine into diagnostic mode still no error codes. inspected under unit found nothing in catch tray. unit drains properly but spray arm is not moving at all. unit will need new sump motor., ordrng 1 W11460946 (sump motor)"
We serviced a
Model KRFF577KBS02
Near Waldorf, MD 20603
Shane B.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint is the unit still leaking from the same area as before. IM is also not making ice. unit is set to 39/0. prob shows 37/3. i inspected the valve and ran water dispensor. water began spraying form the valve. removed valve and found it cracked around the supply connection. replaced with preIDed part and tested again. no leaks. unit is working as designed.
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ08
Near Franklin, VA 23851
Zachery R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint no cool, checked unit, amp draw measuring .5 amps, unplugged evap fan and let run for 10 mins, no frost formed. spoke with AR, was advised to order evap, compressor and drier to complete repair. advised cx they will be contacted for return visit.; ordrng 1 W11580057 (compressor) and 1 W11109499 (drier-tube) and 1 W11546605 (evap)"
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ03
Near Hertford, NC 27944
Branden R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint handle coming off, checked unit and found screw lose on unit causing handle to hang down . reseated screw and tested unit is now running as designed and door shutting as should ."
We serviced a
Model MGD5630HW3
Near Severn, MD 21144
Emmanuel R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Cs unit was heat, confirmed complaint. I found the ignitor is frayed and reading open. Replaced ignitor and tested unit. Unit is now working properly."
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW0
Near Wake, VA 23176
Justin W.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint unit not locking. checked unit to find no error codes. found unit working as designed. advised cx that unit locks unlocks then sits for a moment prior to locking. tested multiple times. unit working as designed
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HW2
Near Franklin, VA 23851
Zachery R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint unit making a loud noise in during spin cycle, checked unit, no fault stored atm, calibrated and tested. noticed wash basket hits side panels at the start of the spin cycle, also unit is making slight grinding sound. advised cx to try smaller loads and they will be contacted for return visit.; ordrng 1 W11449840 (gearcase) and 1 W11239857 (belt) and 1 W10752283 (washplate) and 1 W11396716 (suspensionrods)"
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ03
Near Perry Hall, MD 21128
Shane M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint the unit isnt dispensing water or making ice. could confirmed. valve humming. found tank frozen over, thawed out tank. water flowing now. unit dispensing water. icemaker filled w water. unit working properly."
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint of water leaking from ceiling of RC checked unit to pull down cover for water fliter,found that the water tripple water valve has crack in them ordering parts needed for repairs; ordrng 1 W11579561 (Valve, Triple Water) and 1 W11484840 (Harness, Led Wire (includes Led Lights))"
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Norfolk, VA 23509
Lucas R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint unit walking on bulky cycle, checked unit found f7e5 shifter fault, shifer and splutch checked good, unit visibly unlevel, divet in floor under BR leveling foot, leveled unit to best of my ability, advised cx on loading procedures, calibrated and tested, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model MHW5630HC3
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint of unit not locking and not spinning,checked unit to find the following errror codes F0E2,F5E3,found that door lock to have failed repalced door lock tested and calibrated unit works as designed"
We serviced a
Model WRS555SIHZ00
Near Stafford, VA 22554
Tanner B.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Installed new fc door , tested unit. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ1
Near Laurel, DE 19956
Michael E.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
CX complaint: F8E4. Tested and verified complaiunt. I found inlet valve connection was way too loose. I got over a 360 degree turn on connection and it stopped leaking. Tested unit and it is now working properly. Job is complete
We serviced a
Model MVWB835DW4
Near Ranson, WV 25438
Ken M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Customer complaint is that the unit makes an unusual noise when spinning. Checked for stored error codes and found none. Ran test cycle and there is a rattling sound when agitating. Did not notice anything unusual during spin. Inspection of the drive system found the gearcase is leaking oil and the rotor bolt is seized in the shaft, bolt will need to be cut out. Ordering gearcase, slider, and clutch. Washplate is removable.; ordrng 1 W10754448 (clutch) and 1 W11393685 (gearcase)"
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHW06
Near Carrsville, VA 23315
Zachery R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"replaced thermistor and harness, verified unit is forming frost pattern, advised cx to allow unit to cool for next 24 hours."
We serviced a
Model MVW6500MBK0
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint of unit not working checked to find the following error code F5E1tested ran unit to find lid to lock but not working on a normal load also found the cap to be weak ordering parts needed for repairs; ordrng 1 W11394572 (Door Latch) and 1 W11395618 (Capacitor)
We serviced a
Model MED4500MW0
Near Lancaster, PA 17602
Cody H.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"CX complains cannot select unit cycle. Found unit timer had failed and will need replaced. Was unable to install pre i.d part due to not having it in bin. Ordering timer to be used on return, office to schedule return when all parts arrive. CX EMAIL CONFIRMED.; ordrng 1 w11685947 (timer)"
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ00
Near Falls Church, VA 22041
Christian C.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
instal new ice maker tested the ice maker and it filled and harvested rotated
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ08
Near Salisbury, MD 21801
Michael E.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"CX complaint: mullion above FC door condensating. Tested and verified complaint. All door gaskets are sealing very well. I unplugged the condenser fan, then waited 10 min. Tested mullion surface temps and found 71.7 degrees in center of mullion. 86 degrees 8 inches in from right. 87 degrees 8 inches in from left. Called WPTL and went over findings. TL asked me to raise FC door and see if that solves problem. If it does not, on return, get a pic of condensationb on mullion for WP. Unit is now working properly. Job is complete"
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Broadway, VA 22815
Danny R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
icemaker will not cycyle in diag will order icemaker; ordrng 1 W11658802 (icamker) and 1 W11579561 (wayter vavle)
We serviced a
Model MED5030MW0
Near Waldorf, MD 20602
Shane B.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint is the unit running but not heating. when i arrived the done light was on but unit was full of damp clothes. i checked terminal block. it is properly wired and supplying 244vac. inspected rear of unit and found a blown fuse. replaced with VS part and tested unit. unit is heating properly. removed a lot of lint from vent. showed cx and adivsed him to have the vent cleaned ASAP. unit is working as designed.
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW3
Near Roseland, VA 22967
Danny R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
i found agitatiaor loose reinstaled and now doesnt shake checksok
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HC0
Near Berlin, MD 21811
Michael E.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Replaced the spin basket and gearcase as per prevfious diagnosis. Calibrated, leveled, then tested unit and it is now working properly. Job is complete CX paid 160.00 for labor on CC"
We serviced a
Model WFE535S0LZ2
Near Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint cooktop damaged. arrived and i did confirm issue. upon inspection i notice the damaged cx explain it happen while using it. replace defective cooktop. repair is now complete.
We serviced a
Model KODE500ESS04
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint of unit not reaching correct temp , checkedu nit ot find that the unit was heating too low calibrated unit tested works as designed"
We serviced a
Model WFE320M0EB1
Near McSherrystown, PA 17344
Sal R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"CX complaint is that the unit is displaying a F3 error code. I was ablke to take a ristanse reading of the temp sensor and found 1.100 KO. I discconected the harness form the control and ,.foudn the same resistanse reading. UNit will need 1 control board. I quoted CX for the cost of repair. I collected $120.00 via credit card. CX informed em that she will replace unit due to age."
We serviced a
Model KDFM404KPS0
Near Berlin, MD 21811
Michael E.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
CX complaint: not drying. Tested and verified complaint. In diag there were no error codes. In diag cycle the vent fan did not come on. I opened the door panel and found vent fan is plugged in securely at vent and at control. Heater is working properly. Ordering vent assembly. Scheduled return visit for 9/5 AM; ordrng 1 W11649995 (vent assembly)
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Charlottesville, VA 22903
Eric F.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Confirmed cx complaint unit leaking water. Found water leaking around door gasket. Replaced with pre-id'd gasket, tested unit, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW10
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint of unit not cooling,checked unit ,pulled evap cover to find ice ball in upper right hand coner with no frost pattern,also did an amp draw on compressor to find 0.01 of an amp on the compressor,compressor sound to be locked up ordering parts needed for repairs; ordrng 1 W11562258 ( EVAPORATOR) and 2 W11504419 (Refrigerator Coupler)s and 2 W11504449 (COUPLER)s and 1 W11109499 (Refrigerator Drier Tube) and 2 W11504445 (Refrigerator Coupler)s and 1 W11582579 (COMPRESSOR) and 2 W11504415 (Refrigerator Coupler)s and 2 W11504431 (Refrigerator Coupler)s and 2 W11506619 (Refrigerator Coupler)s and 1 W11506635 (Valve Coupler)"
We serviced a
Model WDT730PAHZ0
Near Charlottesville, VA 22902
Eric F.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Installed parts, tested unit, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model KFIV29PCMS03
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint of food freezing in rc, checked unit to find 43 in compartment ,took temp in freezewr of 20,pulled rc evap to find pittinig from evap and oil on cover spoke with LR and was advise cx would need a seal system repairs done all parts cover under entitlment except rc thermistor break down as follows 1/WPW10277799,Refrigerator Wire Harness,service call break down as follows service call 120.00part 41.90shipping 15.00labor 800.00sub total 976.90tax 2.51grand total 979.41deposit 120.00blance due 859.41cx will call back if moving forward with repairs; ordrng 1 W11492867 (Refrigerator Evaporator) and 1 WPW10277799 (Refrigerator Wire Harness) and 1 W10276644 (Refrigerator Compressor) and 1 WPW10143759 (dryer) and 1 W10913906 (coupler) and 1 4387444 (evap repar)"
We serviced a
Model KRFC300ESS07
Near Charlottesville, VA 22911
Eric F.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Installed ice maker, tested unit, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23453
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
installed gasket between freezer door liner and door gasket tested unit works as designed
We serviced a
Model WOS51EC0HS20
Near Washington, DC 20017
Samuel R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
inspected unit further and found unit to have a OL temp sensor.replaced temp sensor and tested unit.unit is now working properly
We serviced a
Model krfc704fbs00
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Carl A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"tested prussre behind unit have 60 psi,called techline spoke with Nate was advise to try a new fliter as there have been many water fliters"
We serviced a
Model ACR4303MFS4
Near Jessup, MD 20794
Israel R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
Customer complaint burner is sparking. I found the receptical and the burner is starting to burn. Called techline and the told me to replace the harnesss and the element. Qutoed for replacing the element and harness. 325.13 if they call back/; ordrng 1 W11396691 (HArness 104.22) and 1 W11396790 (Burner 84.59)
We serviced a
Model KSCS23FTMS02
Near Ellicott City, MD 21042
Marc M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint unit sounds as though it is powering on and off to unit. inspected unit and found temps normal and all functions seemingly operating however, roughly every minute the unit will cut power for less than two seconds and then restore power immediately. replaced main control per service pointer, unit now checks good."
We serviced a
Model WFE535S0LS0
Near Kearneysville, WV 25430
Ricky E.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
f1e0 customer stated that the unit as giving an error. verified issue and fnd an internal board failure fault. tech sheet states to replace the control assy...; ordrng 1 w11548749 (control)
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Gloucester, VA 23061
Justin W.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint unit not responding. checked unit to find drain pump ohmed at 23.6 ohms good. latch ohmed at open. further inspected to find spring inside latch bad causing latch to fail taking out control. ordering latch to complete repair and coming back with control as precaution.; ordrng 1 W11513248 (latch)
We serviced a
Model KRFC604FSS00
Near Deale, MD 20751
Shane B.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint is the unit not making ice. when i arrived the bin was empty. unit is set to recomended. prob shows 36/-1. water dispsensor works. ran harvest cycle. IM completed it. ran fill test. no water filled but valve buzzed. found wires broken on the fill tube heater. replaced with preIDed part and ran fill test. unit is now working as designed.
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDFZ16
Near Fairfax, VA 22031
Jason A.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
CX complaint FRIDGE no cool. Replaced compressor & install drier & proc stub. Check for leaks & ran vac. Filled with R600. Good running & equalise pressures & unit pulls 100W. FC temp dropped from 74F to 66F. Advised CX place 2+cups water in FC & wait 48hrs for it to freeze before loading > JJ
We serviced a
Model KDTM704LPA1
Near McSherrystown, PA 17344
Sal R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Per the previouse tech, I was able to access and replace the dispenser housing and control board. I was able start a normal cycle and unit test good. Iadvised CX to run white vinagar cycles to help clean and sanitize. Unit test good."
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near Nottingham, MD 21236
Shane M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint the unit front right burner isnt igniting. found igntior clipp not installed correctly which made ignitor sit lower then normal. unit working properly.
We serviced a
Model KDFE104DBL2
Near Sunderland, MD 20689
Shane B.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint is the unit not washing. cx said they try different settings and cycle and it cleans maybe 1 out of 5 tries. checked for codes and found F7E1 no heat, F8E1 slow drain. ran service cycle and wash motor did not run. found control is sending 121vac. ohms wash motor and got 2Mohms. plugged harness back in and wash motor started running. unplugged and checked reading again. still shows 2Mohms. heater worked at end of cycle. called techline to document. they said motor is way out of spec and doubt that reading is correct. advised issue could be control board or wash motor. quoted cx for wash motor and control. they paid service call and said they would shop around and talk to landlord before calling for repair.; ordrng 1 W10854215 (cntrl-elec)"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ07
Near Berlin, MD 21811
Michael E.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"CX complaint: condensation on the FC door on top. Tested and verified complaint. Door gaskets above and below mullion are sealing properly. Unplugged the condenser fan and waited 10 min, then tested surface temp. Horizontal mullion over FC is 89 6 inches in from left. 75.7 degrees in middle, and 89 degrees 6 inches in from right. Called WPTL. Unit unrepairable. Job is complete"
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Hanover, PA 17331
Bernard M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Cx complaint unit doesn't complete cycles. Entered diag and found error code F8E1 long fill. Ran test cycle and the cold water had a slow flow. Unit completed test without any other issues. Ordering inlet valve, found in stock and set return for 8/25.; ordrng 1 W11038689 (inlet valve)"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW1
Near Chesapeake, VA 23321
Zachery R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint unit not completing cycles, checked unit, unit displaying f7e4, come to find oil leaking from bearing onto slider also defective slider, replaced slider, calibrated and tested, advised cx to try small loads until return visit. advised cx they will be contacted for return visit.; ordrng 1 W11449841 (gearcase) and 1 W10902814 (washplate) and 1 W11195971 (stator) and 1 W10754448 (clutch)"
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near Hanover, PA 17331
Bernard M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Cx complaint bleach leaks out into pan. Inspected and found tub ring fragmented and when pouring bleach through top it leaks into the pan and not going into the basket. Ordering tub ring, once available contact cx to reschedule; ordrng 1 W10849477 (tub ring)"
We serviced a
Model KUIX535HPA01
Near Lewes, DE 19958
Frederick R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Replaced compressor, Pressure tested unit with nitrogen. Vac'd down to 30in and then filled with 5.75oz of R134a. Unit is cooling and all functions are working. Job is complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHW08
Near Sparrows Point, MD 21219
Shane M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint the unit still making ice. found low water pressure issues, i also replaced icemaker just in case. cx will need a plumber for pressure issues."
We serviced a
Model WRT311FZDW02
Near Parkville, MD 21234
Shane M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint the doors are rubbing and fZ door handle is uneven. can confirmed. added washers to fz dooor. adjusted handle. unit working properly.
We serviced a
Model MED7230HW3
Near Stuarts Draft, VA 24477
Danny R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
found hi limit sensor hanrness was loose reinstalled harness now heats right cx will need to shorten dryer vent tube also way to long by 15 feet at least unit checksok
We serviced a
Model MRT711SMFZ02
Near Gloucester Point, VA 23072
Justin W.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
cx complaint rc door scratched. ordering door to address issue of 30 day cosmetic.; ordrng 1 LW10856289 (rc door)
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ08
Near Staunton, VA 24401
Danny R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
i found baffle not regulating the temp in fresh side; ordrng 1 W11645127 (baffle)
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Selbyville, DE 19975
Michael E.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"CX complaint: lights out. Tested and verified complaint. Tested with an LED jumper and found FC LED and front left LED on RC ceiling were both out. Replaced both LEDs, tested unit and it is now working properly. Job is complete; ordrng 1 W11462342 (RC LED van stock), used 1 W11462342 (LED van stock) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRF736SDAM14
Near Bristow, VA 20136
Richard B.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"CX complant/ Fridge leaking , Inspected unit and found fridge leaking from front. VCleared evap drain tube. Installed CX providid ice maker , Cycled ice maker. Job completedm RB"
We serviced a
Model KDFM404KPS0
Near Sykesville, MD 21784
Marc M.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"cx complaint unti showing error. found error f8e4. inspected unit and found loose supply line fitting on inlet valve. was able to tightend valve 1/4-1/2 a turn. ran auto test and unit did not leak at any point thereafter. no parts needed, collected only for service call."
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW0
Near Staunton, VA 24401
Danny R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
installed parts checksok
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHV03
Near Severn, MD 21144
Emmanuel R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
"Replaced control and tested unit, Baffle is opeing and closing. Customer had temps set to 43 and actual temps 38. Unit was freezing food when set to recommended temp settings . Set temps to reccommended and advise to monitor unit. Unit is working properly."
We serviced a
Model WRT138FFDM01
Near Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Danny R.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
compressor is seeized will need toorder compressor; ordrng 1 W11370574 (compressor) and 1 w11506635 (coupler) and 1 sealsystem2callcount (sealed system)
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW09
Near Sykesville, MD 21784
Justin S.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
CX complaint was not cooling - top freezer refrigerator. Upon arrival unit was at 39 degrees. Tested termisor and got areading of 8.7ohms. Tech sheets stated the reading should have been 8.2. ordering new thermisor WPW10384183.; ordrng 1 WPW10384183 (thermistor)
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDB09
Near Woodbridge, VA 22193
Demonte S.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
Installed the Refrigerator & Freezer Doors. Heated both Door Gaskets with Heat Gun. Doors are now sealed. Unit is working as Designed.
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Street, MD 21154
Neil H.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
We serviced a
Model KOCE500ESS06
Near Fredericksburg, VA 22405
Robert W.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
Replaced lights and door latch convect fan is good fan blade was loose. Light still flashing in oven Ordeing Console; ordrng 1 W11093254 (Console stainless)
We serviced a
Model MVWC465HW2
Near Darlington, MD 21034
Neil H.
Job Details: 08/22/2023
We serviced a
Model KFGC506JSS05
Near Earlysville, VA 22936
Eric F.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Installed module, tested unit, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model JFC2290REM00
Near Bethesda, MD 20817
Roberto I.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Cx complaint no cool. Found bot compartments at room temp, fans running, compreessor running and dragging 0.6 A, but randomly dragging 10A and tripping the overload. Ordering compressor W10507884, evaporator W11256565, UV drier W10143759 and access valve W11506635. Parts and labor CBE. Collectee $120 with Ceck. **SEALED SYSTEM TECH** and ** COUNTS**; ordrng 1 W10507884 (compressor) and 1 W11256565 (evaporator) and 1 W10143759 (UV drier) and 1 W11506635 (access valve) and 1 sealed system tech and 1 3 counts"
We serviced a
Model KODE500EWH04
Near Earlysville, VA 22936
Eric F.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
Confirmed cx complaint UI F1E0 error code. Part covered under 5 year warranty. Cx paid 230 in diagnostic + labor. Ordering UI. Cx paid in full.; ordrng 1 W10890572 (swtch-memb)
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HZ0
Near Mountville, PA 17554
Bernard M.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Cx complaint unit doesn't come on. Restored power and unit came on, attempted to start and unit flashed F1E4 error, control fault. Ordering con trol, once approved contact cx to reschedule; ordrng 1 W11552018 (control)"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDBM00
Near Salunga-Landisville, PA 17538
Justin L.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
Cx complaint unit not making ice. Was able to access unit and found when the door switch was activated manually that the icemaker would rotate but the icemaker would never find home. Found that the insulation on the door has settled causing the switch to not fully activate. Replaced icemaker and it rotated and filled. Ordering 2 shims to correct the issue along with freezer led which has failed. ordering parts and setting return for fri 8/25/23; ordrng 1 W11338583 (freezer led) and 2 wp2177331 (door pad)s
We serviced a
Near Alexandria, VA 22304
Jason A.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"CX complaint FRIDGE never cooled after last sealed system repair. Replaced ACU. Compressor still does not run in normal or test 39 or 40. Same 2.14 VDC to inverter, Measured compressor windings. Cap gas 24uF but has a dark spot. See SDpics, No more error codes. Called techline. 2,14 VDC is GOOD for inverter signal. Techsheet is wrong calling out 12VDC. Has 120VAC. Recommend replacing / / /; ordrng 1 W11117895 (Filter harness assym incl CAP) and 1 W11320585 (inverter) and 1 W11664671 (Control L RC) and 1 W11394709 (Fascia)"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW1
Near Locust Grove, VA 22508
Tanner B.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Replaced strike, tested unit. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model KRFC300ESS01
Near Washington, DC 20015
Shawn D.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
cx complaint issue retuned he got the new filter. i inspected unit dispensed water and line is tapping with not much flow coming out. took filter out and reinstalled and dispenser is working good. gave cx quote for new filter head and he agreed. replaced part and had water go everywhere. cleaned water up and tested and had no leaks dispenser is working good. collected payment unit is good to go
We serviced a
Model WRV986FDEM01
Near Arlington, VA 22209
Jason A.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"CX complaint FRIDGE never made ice & FC got warm & ice in RC L door bin melted, Cleared all ice. Replace FC icemaker fill tube, FC evap harness, LED driver ACU. Test icemaker harvest & fill. Valve very noisey & slow flow > JJ; ordrng 1 W11129435 (valve FC icemaker)"
We serviced a
Model WRS325FDAM02
Near Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Ricardo S.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Cx complains that the unit leaks from freezer section, inspected unit, the drain is frozen.. so i use hot water to defrost the drain. water draining ok.. drain cks ok"
We serviced a
Model jffcc72efs00
Near Washington, DC 20008
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"cx complaint filter not working. arrived and installed the parts the previous tech recommended. test all components after repair..compressor, evap fan, and condeser fans are all running. repair complete"
We serviced a
Model WFW6620HC2
Near Alexandria, VA 22301
Job Details: 08/21/2023
cx complained cold water valve wasnt working as should. inspected unit confirmed cx complaint. installed new hot and cold water valves. unit now getting cold water and working as should.
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM9
Near Charlottesville, VA 22902
Kyle A.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
Cx complaint of unit not draining. Did confirm check valve was stuck. Cleared and adjusted check valve and unit is now as designed.
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Alexandria, VA 22315
Lloyd B.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Cx complained the unit violently shook. Inspected the unit and could not duplicate but, there is a large hole in the dry wall that shows damage. Cx says no matter the size of the load, the unit bangs around. The suspention is good. There is a pointer that states to remove inner basket and look for a QR stamp and if not one, replace inner basket. Unit needs new inner basket and tub ring; ordrng 1 W11172199 (inner basket) and 1 W11550886 (tub ring)"
We serviced a
Model WFE505W0JZ3
Near Glenarden, MD 20706
Samuel R.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
cx complaint unit is not working on self clean.tested unit and could confirm cx complaint.unit would not cycel on steam clean and would not go above 200 degrees.unit will need a new control W11567368; ordrng 1 W11567368 (control)
We serviced a
Model WRT549SZDW04
Near Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Lloyd B.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
Cx complained the unit did not cool. Inspected the unit and found that the freezer temp is 11 degrees and the rc is 51 degrees with the fans and compressor running. Unit needs new compressor and drier. Sealed system tech required. 2 job count.; ordrng 1 W11109499 (drier) and 1 W11504445 (coupler) and 1 W11504449 (coupler) and 1 W11580057 (compressor) and 1 W11504415 (coupler) and 1 W11504431 (coupler) and 1 W11506619 (coupler)
We serviced a
Model WOC54EC0HS
Near Sterling, VA 20164
Job Details: 08/21/2023
CX complaints triangle piece holds the plate cracked .inspected unit support broken inthree pieces replaced support and ring turn .tested unit .unit works as designed.SZ
We serviced a
Model KDTM354DSS4
Near Washington, DC 20037
Job Details: 08/21/2023
cx complaint leaking. arrived today and confirm installed door seal. tested unit for leaks after repair dw is now working and not leaking . repair complete.
We serviced a
Model MDB8959SKZ0
Near Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22553
Tanner B.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Installed new control, vent fan and inlet valve. tested unit .. unit went through diag test.. Job complete"
We serviced a
Model KHMS256SSS
Near Alexandria, VA 22301
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"cx complained that unit motherboard wasnt working. confirmed cx complaint. ui is unreponsive. checked to see if part was available, and they no longer have it for this unit. paid 120 for service"
We serviced a
Model KDFM404KPS1
Near Bristow, VA 20136
Daniel J.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
dispenser not staying closed in dishwasher tested popping back open replaced working as normal
We serviced a
Model JMC2427LL00
Near Washington, DC 20016
Brian F.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Cx states mw door not closing, tested and confirmed. Found outer door separating from mounting rails, hinges hitting floor of install. Advised cx to correct install, ordering outer door and hinges.; ordrng 2 W11319474 (hinge)s and 1 W11602617 (outer door)"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ08
Near Centreville, VA 20120
Christian C.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
Cx complaint IM does not work. Said maybe dropped 1 or 2 batches since repair. Inspected unit Ice in mold. Tried to run test mode on IM but did not cycle. Installed IM. Ran test and IM cycled and filled with water.
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Richmond, VA 23234
Chris B.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"cx comp unit will not spin out clothes insp unit conf cx comp found cap out of range replaced cap W11395618 from vs tested unit working as desighned; ordrng 1 W11395618 (cap), used 1 W11395618 (cap) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LC0
Near Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Robert W.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
Replaced gearcase and slider unit calibrated and tested unit is working properly.
We serviced a
Model KRFC300ESS00
Near Washington, DC 20016
Brian F.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Water dispenser working perfectly at time of service visit, incorrect filter head ordered. Unit is working properly."
We serviced a
Model WRS325FDAW04
Near Greater Landover, MD 20785
Samuel R.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
cx complaint light is bright in fridge.inspected unit and could confirm cx complaint.found freezer light to have a loose connection.seated connection in there properly and unit is now working properly
We serviced a
Model RBD306PDB12
Near Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Lloyd B.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"Cx complained the unit does not work. Inspected the unit and found the keyboard works but there is no display. Opening the door the oven lights come on and the unit cannot be started. Unit needs new control but, the part is no longer available"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW1
Near Arlington, VA 22205
Jason A.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
CX complaint WASHER noisey. CX found a bolt next to unit. See SDpics. Secured bolt with impact driver Level unit & calibrater DLMS. Ran test wash. CX will monitor next few cycles > JJ
We serviced a
Model WFW8620HW2
Near Stone Ridge, VA 20105
Ezra M.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
"lowflow error, verified f8e1 error, testing showed cold valve 1 not working, cold 2 was. replaced valve assy, tested unit, working properly.."
We serviced a
Model WFE515S0JS3
Near Suffolk, VA 23435
Justin W.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
cx complaint unit not heating properly or needs calibrating. checked unit to find sensor ohmed at 1.087 k ohms. heated unit to 350 to find high temp of oven showing 280 on my thermal meter. ordering control to be changed with sensor. unit to hot to change sensor after testing and sensor passed test at room temperature.; ordrng 1 W11583303 (control)
We serviced a
Model MDB8959SKZ0
Near Hyattsville, MD 20785
Samuel R.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
cx complaint unit is not cleaning dishes and had a weird smell.inspected unit and got error codes f7e1.checked motor and found motor to be bad.motor is getting 121v.ran service test and everything else checks pout good.got no weird smells. W11416363; ordrng 1 W11416363 (sump pump)
We serviced a
Model WDT540HAMZ2
Near Hanover, MD 21076
Israel R.
Job Details: 08/21/2023
Customer complaint unit is leaking after first run. I found the unit was not level correctly. I relevel the unit and tested. Unit is not leaking unit is back to normal operations.