We serviced a
Model WMH32519HV5
Near Mechanicsville, MD 20659
Robert A.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Cx complaint that the unit's cooktop light is not turning off. I inspected the unit and confirmed the complaint. The unit switch the light setting (high, low and off), but it does not turn off. Cx had an extra bulb and replaced it but it still did not turn off. The unit will need a new control board as well. I'm ordering the part for the return visit.; ordrng 1 W11342846 (control board)"
We serviced a
Near New Windsor, MD 21776
Brian R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced all parts and tested and checked unit. unit checks. advised cx to use unit a few times and see how it does and call back if needed. job complete.
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDFZ
Near Washington, DC 20010
David J.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Cx complaint unit freezing things in fridge. Inspected unit and found ice maker is making to much ice. Going to order new ice maker cause when testing unit the arm did not work properly. Also tested dampener and it was struggling to open. Making loud clicking noise. Going to order some parts for return visit. ; ordrng 1 Wpw10196393 (Damper) and 1 Wpw10300024 (Ice maker) and 1 W10316760 (Thermostat rc)
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDFZ11
Near Silver Spring, MD 20906
Justin S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx says they plug the unit into any outlet and it trips the breaker. found that when i plug the unit in it does trip the breaker. was able to find no resistance between l1 and n on the cord. compressor resistance is good. disconnected everything from the control and found the unit doesnt trip the breaker. added connections back until i found the p3 connection is whats tripping the breaker. the condencer fan and compressor activated without tripping the breaker. disconnected everything off the ice maker assembly and reconnected and nothing tripped the breaker. the unit is beginning to cool good. put the unit into diagnostics and test 25 activates the ice maker and does a full revolution and fills. the unit hasnt tripped the breaker after testing all components on p3.
We serviced a
Model WED8740DW0
Near Washington, DC 20011
Israel R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Customer complaint unit is not finishing a cycle. I ran test found F4E1 Heater Relay and F4E4 L2 line voltage. I ran test the unit is heating. is completed test and air flow is good. I ran time dry and the unit ran with out stoping for like 30 min. while i looked at the washer. There was a load and it was pretty big. I adviced the customer to use time dry on big loads because the cloth wont move too mucha dn the humidity sensor relies on cloth moving around and making contact with the sensor. If is too much cltoh the cloth may not move and the unit will think everything is dry. They said they are going to try that. Collected 90 on 594996.
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Rockville, MD 20853
Justin S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced element per Technical Service Pointer #: W11540964. tested and the unit is not leaking.
We serviced a
Model KBSD612ESS01
Near Timonium, MD 21093
Keith H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx conplaint is lights out inpsected unit and repalced all lights per special project s84638 - parts and labor
We serviced a
Near Silver Spring, MD 20904
Justin S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx says they havent had a cooling issue with the unit since the last repair. says ice cream has always been frozen. replaced the control brackets and fan. the unit doesnt need the compressor at this time
We serviced a
Model JS48NXFXDE01
Near McLean, VA 22101
Eric W.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
removed unit checked drip pan and water lines no leaks pored water in under evap to see if the drain hose to drip pan is leaking let water sit for 30 min and no leaks found
We serviced a
Model MED6230HW1
Near Winchester, VA 22601
Ricky E.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"customer stated that the unit wasnt functioning.. fnd unit not turning on... reset power and the unit powered up.. when running the unit made a loud sound.. fnd lint in the blower, cleared the lint and the sound went away... unit xks ok.."
We serviced a
Model JJW2427DS01
Near Norfolk, VA 23508
Zachery R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"replaced ui, tested, unit working as designed. cx paid 110 labor."
We serviced a
Model KSEG950ESS1
Near Leesburg, VA 20175
Ricky E.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"installed part and verifed operation, unit cks ok.."
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Brandywine, MD 20613
Shawn D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx complaint unti is no longer making ice been a couple months now another company has come and tried fixing. inspected unit then checked temps and freezer is 31 and fridge 44. found left side of freezer door not closing good track is off inside top drawer in freezer. went to van grabbed gauges and ran test 4 and pressure are off frige is at 10 when should be close to 20 and freezer is at 5. took freezer apart and i dont have much frost at all. added some freon to correct pressures and informed cx we have a slow freon leak and i need to order some parts. shes not happy. parts are instock so rescheduled for next wed 6/8/22 for s.s. repair 3 count job; ordrng 1 W11492867 (fridge evaporator) and 1 W10832994 (compresor) and 1 WPW10143759 (drier) and 1 s.s.techony (s..s tech only) and 1 3countjob (3 count job)
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW0
Near Front Royal, VA 22630
Daniel J.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced drive pulley gearcase belt and top right side still higher than left after hinge and lid and top replaced ordering both hinges and new lid no signs of damage but when placed back on cabinet right side higher than left if right side is pressed down left back corner will raise up if not screwed down ; ordrng 1 W11089573 (channel top rear) and 1 W11384398 (channel top front) and 1 W11551376 (right hinge) and 1 W11551369 (left hinge)
We serviced a
Model KMHS120ESS11
Near Portsmouth, VA 23707
Zachery R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint exhaust nonresponsive, checked unit, unit has proper voltage, all connections to board are secured. come to find defective acu not sending voltage to fan motor, ordering acu to complete repair.; ordrng 1 W11545876 (acu)"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Kearneysville, WV 25430
Danny R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
reinstalled gasket cx wasnt happy how it fits but its to facktory fit chrcksok
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ07
Near Crofton, MD 21114
Alexander D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint rc not cooling properly, fz seems fine, still making ice. started to somewhat cool properly over past few days. inspected unit and verified complaint. found evap overfrosted. ran thru service tests and bimetal test showed S. heater reads 33ohms, should be good. ordering evap harness and control. call cx to schedule return visit once we have eta on parts.; ordrng 1 W11524469 (control) and 1 W11524653 (harness)"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ
Near Ranson, WV 25438
Danny R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"installed parts cx didnt want to sign leave behind , she didnt clear out of out dishes and refused to turn power off to unit , told them if called back they will be charged if we find nothing wrong with unit ."
We serviced a
Model WRX988SIBM01
Near Laurel, MD 20723
Alexander D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint unit leaking from fz again. inspected unit and verified complaint. found drain iced over and sheet of ice in bottom of fz again. last time my steamer was broken so i just tried to chip all the ice out and it seems a piece may have fallen in drain tube and clogged it up. steamed out all ice. ran 1/4' waterline thru drain to ensure its not collapsed and tested by pouring cup of water down drain. unit is now working properly, cx still within 30days of prior service call."
We serviced a
Model WTW6120HC2
Near Denton, MD 21629
Jonathon C.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint, broken lid strike. replaced parts per prior diag. tested unit, unit working as designed. job is complete."
We serviced a
Model WCG97US6HS00
Near Hanover, MD 21076
Alexander D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"unit has extra year warranty thru builder per enititlements, cx provided closing disclosure to keep unit in warranty. cx complaint, burner heads and caps discolored and all burners difficult to ignite. inspected unit and verified complaint. cx said she didnt put burner heads or caps in dishwasher as complaint says but she put the knobs in dishwasher. refered cx to use and care guide for proper cleaning. have good spark at all burners. ordering burner heads and caps. call cx to schedule return visit once we have eta on parts.; ordrng 1 W10819916 (burner cap kit) and 1 W10811599 (burner head, dual) and 2 WP8286814 (burner head)s and 1 WP8286813 (burner head) and 1 WP8286815 (burner head)"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ08
Near Ellicott City, MD 21042
Robert L.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"installed diffuser, added addition permangum to seal back side, tested all ops ok"
We serviced a
Near Sykesville, MD 21784
Justin S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced the adjusters and tested. the unit is now good
We serviced a
Model WRT311FZDB01
Near Seaford, DE 19973
Jonathon C.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint, unit not cooling. tested, inspected unit. unit was at a My Way Leases so it had not been plugged in for weeks. believe it was a frozen evap. verified thermistor functionality for FC & RC at room temp. check evap fan operation and frost pattern. unit working as designed, job is complete."
We serviced a
Model WTW6120HC1
Near Waynesboro, PA 17268
Andrew S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Cx complaint is that the unit is making a loud helicopter sound when running. Upon arrival I spun the basket by hand and was able to hear that the bearing have failed. I am orddering a gear case and will use the belt and splutch on retrun. Please contact cx when the parts are avialable to schedule the retrun visit.; ordrng 1 W11449840 (Gear case) and 1 2callCount (2 call count GC repair)
We serviced a
Model WFG535S0JS1
Near Lancaster, PA 17602
Justin L.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
as per previous tech was able to access unit and replace parts. tested unit and unit now checks good no further work needed
We serviced a
Model KVUB606DSS3
Near Woodstock, VA 22664
Ezra M.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"not working. unit working on arrival. found wire nut holding black (L1) wire into unit loose, tightened, checked all connections"
We serviced a
Model MVWB750WR1
Near Germantown, MD 20874
Julian H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
CX complaint about unit being loud rolled drum by hand and can heard tub bearing very loud also tested on drain/spin and basket not floating properly tub transmission splattering oil on the floor need TUB BASKET REPLACEMENT 2 COUNTS JOB CX DECIDED NOT CONTINUE WITH REPAIR ; ordrng 1 W10296143 (basket) and 1 W10193886 (tub outer) and 1 2COUNTSTUBREPLACEMENT (TUB REPLACEMENT)
We serviced a
Model KSRG25FKSS15
Near Alexandria, VA 22307
Lloyd B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Cx complained the unit did not make ice and leaked. Inspected the unit and found ice in the fill tube and fill cup. Removed ice and tested and it now makes ice. Job complete
We serviced a
Model AGR5330BAS3
Near Woodbridge, VA 22191
Demonte S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Installed the Door. Tested the Door. Unit is working as Designed. ( Any questions please check Sd Pictures.)
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Glen Allen, VA 23060
Thomas B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Cx complaint unit is not working properly inspected unit installed new sound dampening blanket tested and inspected for proper use unit now functions normally
We serviced a
Model KFIS29BBMS00
Near Fairfax, VA 22031
Demonte S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Installed the Compressor, Coupler, Drier & Gasket. Pulled Vacuum. Unit is holding Vacuum. Filled the unit. Unit is starting to Cool. ( Any questions please check Sd Pictures.)"
We serviced a
Model WRT518SZFM00
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Austin D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx com
We serviced a
Model KDTE104KPS0
Near Westminster, MD 21158
Brian R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced sump and tested and unit leaked. pulled unit again and sump sitting right. made sure things were tight and in place and still leaking. new sump has bad seal. will reorder part and office will schedule.; ordrng 1 W11460945 (Sump)
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS0
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Austin D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
came out to complete the special project for the heating elemet . disassembled the unit as needed. replaced the eleemtn. tested the unit. unit is running as designed.
We serviced a
Model MDB9959SKZ0
Near Huntingtown, MD 20639
Shawn D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
inspected unit confimred bad heater snapped pic. replaced heater then tested no leaks. unit is good
We serviced a
Model KRFF305ESS00
Near Baltimore, MD 21209
Shane M.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint the unit isnt cooling proper. can confirmed. took evap cover off & found ball of ice on low/high side & no frost on evap. unit will need seal system work. 2 ct compressor, evap, drier.; ordrng 1 WPW10143759 (drier) and 1 W10507884 (compressor) and 1 W11256565 (evap)"
We serviced a
Model KDTM704KPS0
Near Gaithersburg, MD 20882
Ricardo S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced sumo motor assy and heater. unit tested ok
We serviced a
Model JGRP548WP01
Near Alexandria, VA 22301
Lloyd B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Dropped part off
We serviced a
Model WRS555SIHZ06
Near La Plata, MD 20646
Shawn D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx complaint unit bubbling noises all day and fridge will only turn off 1 time a day temps are alot better she said now. inspected unit confimred bubbling from s.s. oil got stired up from last visit so flushed system and same isssue compressor is really hot and does make a tapping noise. ordering another compressor kit for return to hopefully fixed issue; ordrng 1 W11370574 (compressor kit) and 1 W11504415 (coupler) and 1 W11504431 (coupler) and 1 W11506619 (coupler) and 1 W10913906 (coupler) and 1 nitrogen (nitrogen) and 1 s.s.techonly (s.s. tech only) and 1 W11109499 (drier) and 1 2countjob (2 count job)
We serviced a
Model JES9800CAF01
Near Alexandria, VA 22307
Lloyd B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Cx complained some of the numbers do not work. Inspected the unit and found that to be true. Unit needs new user interface. They no longer make the white console. Explained to the cx that he can try to find the white one and call us back or we can do the black one. Black is fine they say; ordrng 1 W10239348 (user interface)
We serviced a
Model WRS571CIHZ04
Near Mountville, PA 17554
Drew B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"x complaint that unit not running after last ss repair on the 31st. i found the unit back installed in wall of rv, was able to access the componets from behind and hooked guages to the unit and reading 75 on high side and 20in vaccum when hooked on low side.... fans all run just no cooling. had called wp techline spoke to Drew... nitrogen bubble test 140psi blue solution ... if no signs pressure drop hot inlet/outlet adding straders on that loop of 140psi gas loop pn#12458 compression adapters on... contact customer resolution if not thrilled with that... 7733790857 per techline recommended senior sealed system tech with on going failures nd unhappy cx... with waiting for rv to have back to take home please advsie unhapy cx and uncertain of repair to bring SENIOR ss tech per WP..; ordrng 1 4count (4 count) and 1 W11506623 (lockring) and 1 W11504445 (lock condensor lines) and 1 W11546605 (evap) and 1 W11504449 (cap tube evap LR) and 1 W11506619 (EVAP COUPLER) and 1 NITROGEN (nitrogen) and 1 W11109499 (drier) and 1 W11504433 (heat loop drier coupler) and 1 W11504447 (cap tube to drier LR) and 1 W11504415 (coupler) and 1 W11580057 (compressor) and 1 W11504431 (high side to compressor) and 1 W11506619 (coupler compressor), ordrd 1 00-55-141"
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Carl A.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced all parts tested and calibrated unit works as designed
We serviced a
Model MVW6230HW2
Near Carlisle, PA 17013
Fred G.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
i was able to access unit and replace the console as per previous tech. calibrated unit and ran unit through a auto test. temps can now be selected. unit checks good.
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Leonardtown, MD 20650
Robert A.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Cx complaint that the unit is not washing the clothes. I inspected the unit to confirm the complaint. I found an error code: f7e6. I cleared the code and ran a service cycle, the unit did not agitate. I checked the actuator and the arm popped out of place. I replaced the actuator and tested the unit for the cx. The unit is working as designed."
We serviced a
Model KDPM604KPS0
Near Gaithersburg, MD 20882
Ricardo S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Special Project. repalced heater, unit tested ok.."
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW2
Near Stanardsville, VA 22973
Eric F.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Confirmed cx complaint washer stuck on sensing. Found cold water valve not actuating. Ordering valve.; ordrng 1 W11038689 (valve)
We serviced a
Model MDB8989SHZ0
Near Harrisburg, PA 17110
Fred G.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"i was able to access unit and replace the console, owi sensor and the drain pump as per previous tech. ran diag and cleared codes and ran a auto test. checked for leaks and now unit checks good."
We serviced a
Model MSS25N4MKZ04
Near Gambrills, MD 21054
Kevin P.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"arrived and found unit has been cooling properly since last visit with repair tech completed, installed new harness. job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ05
Near White Hall, MD 21161
Neil H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
We serviced a
Model WRT112CZJW00
Near Baltimore, MD 21230
Emmanuel R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Cs fridge wasnt cooling, I found evap frozen over the drain was clogged and water frooze in the pan, removed clog and unit now drains. Found ice in the vents clogging air from flowing into the FC. Unit is now working properly. Advised customer to keep and eye on it for now."
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHB4
Near Goldsboro, PA 17319
Sal R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Per the previouse tech, i was able to access and replace the sump & motor as well as the heating element . I then tested unti and found the unit to be opperating as designed."
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM9
Near Baltimore, MD 21214
Milton J.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
CX complaint pods not disolving and unit smells. Inspected and found very little water flowing into unit. Valve buzzing. Installed new Valve as sent by Pre-ID. Tested unit and is now functioning prpoperly. -MJrob
We serviced a
Model JDRP436HL01
Near Westminster, MD 21158
Brian R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced part and had cx check over unit. unit now good. still in garage so can test or run. job complete.
We serviced a
Model MDB7959SHZ1
Near Frederick, MD 21704
Ricardo S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Cx complains that the upper rack falls down, inspected unit, the right adjuster is broken, replaced parts, tested and dishrack cks ok"
We serviced a
Model WTW4850HW2
Near Yorktown, VA 23692
Lucas R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"replaced suspension, calibrated, filled on bulky cycle, filled all the way, ran drain and spin, no visible leaks, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS08
Near Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Tanner B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced lamp and tested unit. job complete
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW0
Near Front Royal, VA 22630
Ezra M.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
incorrect console ordered. ordering correct part.; ordrng 1 W11561182 (fascia)
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ04
Near Norfolk, VA 23513
Carl A.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint of unit not making ice,checkedu nit to find that connector on ice maker not full seated on icemkaer,reseated connctor tested unit works as designed"
We serviced a
Model MEDB955FC1
Near Bluemont, VA 20135
Ezra M.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"unit unresponsive. has power at outlet and terminal block. unit will enter diagnostic mode, no errors stored. keys and encoder test shows all buttons and knob working properly. unit will not start diagnostic cycle. unit will need control and console. cust paid 120 diag fee, needs unit fixed immediatly, so is going to buy a new dryer, left before signing paperwork."
We serviced a
Model JDRP436HL01
Near Timonium, MD 21093
Keith H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
upon arrival cx pointed out that theres another burner not working that also needs ignitor ordering another ignitor; ordrng 1 W11580024 (ignitor)
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHZ05
Near Littlestown, PA 17340
Marc M.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint unit cooling too aggesively in the fc as well as air leak frost occuring around the ice door chute. multiple service calls on unit. previous parts replaced include: thermistor (twice), diffuser (twice), silicone liner, data logger used to confirm extreme temps, ice chute, control, fan motor. checked temps upon arrival and found multiple items in fc to be around -9 (minus nine) indicating a continued issue of over cooling fc. contacted techline again to further report made on sr7733300869. found that when the diffuser was replaced on 05/23/22 the interlocking tabs were not fully engaged behind the fc reciever. this caused excessve transfer of cold and warm ari between both compartments and erratic temps. confirmed diag with TL, corrected diffuser, unit checks now good."
We serviced a
Model KRFF507ESS01
Near Timonium, MD 21093
Keith H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced hv board and control board unit seems to be good
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW0
Near Greencastle, PA 17225
Andrew S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Per previous diag I was able to access and replace the control. I then ran the DLMS and diag test. Unit is now functioning as itnedned. Job complete
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM9
Near Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Tanner B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"installed new vent assembly and dispenser , tested unit. no leaks . job complete"
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Millersville, PA 17551
Drew B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced all parts tested and now dispenses ice and operates checks good
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS0
Near Timonium, MD 21093
Keith H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced heater per service bullentin and motor tested for leaks and function unit is working
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Locust Hill, VA 23092
Gill G.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
replaced control. thawed ice from evap. tested heating circuit. found water under deli UI. dried area under deli UI. unit is working as designed.
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Suffolk, VA 23434
Branden R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"came out to replace parts on unit , uninstalled unit and disassembled , replaced gearcase , motor and suspenion on unit , reassembled and tested unit is running as designed reinstalled and tested again unit is running as designed cx agreed ."
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ05
Near Barboursville, VA 22923
Eric F.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Confirmed cx complaint unit not producing ice. Found inline power to ice maker disconnected. Reconnected ice maker, tested unit, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC0
Near Suffolk, VA 23434
Branden R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"came out to replace parts on unit , found unit unplugged , whenever unit has power to it drain pump starts pumping and will not stop .lid is also locked tryed to cancel cycle and nothing happens drain pump still pumping , disassembled back of unit and unplugged pressure hose and tryed cycleing power once more still draining , unit will need control for repair to be done .; ordrng 1 W11543996 (control) and 1 W11568983 (harness)"
We serviced a
Model MEDX655DW1
Near Deltaville, VA 23043
Gill G.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"verified unit being unresponsive. found unit needs thermal fuse and heater. home lost power during service call. could not finish diagnosis. ordered parts.; ordrng 1 279838 (element,heater)"
We serviced a
Model WDT730PAHZ0
Near Portsmouth, VA 23703
Zachery R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint dispenser not staying shut, verified issue, tried to adjust dispenser, no success, replaced dispenser, tested, unit working as designed."
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Conestoga, PA 17516
Drew B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx complaint that unit is not giong though the cycle and had the long fill code. i was able to remove cold water vlave hose and found mass dirt in screen removed and infromed cx will happen again. i removed and reinserted tested and recalibrated and checked good
We serviced a
Model KRFC302ESS06
Near Millersville, MD 21108
Kevin P.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"installed new door gasket on right ff door, and picked up data loggers. job complete"
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC2
Near Charles Town, WV 25414
Danny R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
installed parts unit checksok
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS01
Near Pikesville, MD 21208
Keith H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx complaint is unit not cooling after only working for 3 days inspected unit put into service mode all thermistors passed went to test 38 39 and 40 and compressor comes and quickly shuts off and in test 40 it didnt come on at all. ordering new comrpessor for ss tech 2 count job; ordrng 1 W11592010 (compressor)
We serviced a
Model WED9750WL0
Near Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Sal R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"CX complaint was that the unit is not opperating . I foun d that the idler is broken and the belt is tearing. I am ordering 1 belt (661570) and 1 idler pulley (W10837240). I have set a return date for 6/7 . I collected 180.00 cash for service , parts, shipping, taxes , and part of labor charges. CX owes 118.86 apon completion of the repair .; ordrng 1 W10837240 (idler puley 100 @ tribs)"
We serviced a
Model WRS537SIAM01
Near Stafford, VA 22556
Tanner B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
CX Concern the units leds intermittenly not coming on or flickering.. found cx replaced diamond led board and it worked for 3 straight weeks . today led is getting 3.8dcv and 120vac coming into main led. checked all connection.. unit is working as designed . job complete
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ04
Near Harrisburg, PA 17110
Fred G.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint unit is leaking from behind the unit. inspected unit and found the water tube from the duel water valve to the reservoir is pinched and cracked. due to the hole the cx flooring and walls did get damaged. was able to place a temporary water fitting (WP2300868) from van stock on hose and cut out the hole due to the reservoir being on special order. ordering 1 (W11613294) please call and schedule cx once part is in.; ordrng 1 W11613294 (water reservoir tubing), used 1 WP2300868 (water fitting) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ03
Near Waynesboro, PA 17268
Andrew S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Cx complaint is that the ice maker is not making ice. Upon arrival I found that the icemaker had failed mid harvest. I quoted the cx for the cost of the repair. Cx paid in full. I was able to access and replace the icemaker. I then tested the unit and found that it had stopped mid cycle. I was able to unplug the unit and reset it. It then completed the harvest cycle and filled. Unit is now functioning as intended. Job complete.
We serviced a
Model WML55011HS07
Near Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Andrew S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Per previous tech I was able to access and replace the control, touch panel and then display. I then tested the unit and found that the unit is now functioning as intended. Job complete."
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Pikesville, MD 21208
Keith H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx complaint is unit didnt spin inspected unit put into diagnostics found off balance fault also noticed unit not level becuase of floor is uneven. ran test it worked fine also calibrated. cx to adddress the floor issue
We serviced a
Model MMV1175JZ0
Near Louisa, VA 23093
Jerod R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"tested unit found unti had , bad mag, trans, and cap, trans former is shorted , unit will need all parts ordered changed out; ordrng 1 W11460698 (transformer)"
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HPS03
Near Chambersburg, PA 17202
Andrew S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Cx complaint is that the unit is not cooling. Upon arrival I found that the unit was unplugged. I plugged the unit back in and found that the fans are coming on. THe compressor made a loud humming noise and tripped the overload within a few seconds. I ohmed the compressor and found that it is reading proerly. I tried a new start device and found that it is doing the same thing. I spoke with MM and verified that the compressor is locked up. I am ordering the SS repair as well as the 3 call count. Please contact cx when the parts are available to schedule the return visit.; ordrng 1 W11574734 (Compressor) and 1 W11504431 (Coupler (suct to comp)) and 1 W11504415 (Coupler) and 1 W11506621 (Coupler (Charge to comp)) and 1 W11506635 (Process stub) and 1 W11109499 (Filter Drier) and 1 W11578027 (evap) and 1 W11506620 (Coupler ( Cap to evap)) and 1 W11504450 (Coupler) and 1 3callcountSS (3 call count SS)
We serviced a
Model WGD4950HW0
Near Columbia, MD 21044
Robert L.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint loud banging noise, found motor mount compromised, front bushing squshed and has play, causing blower to wobble, quoted 423 to repair, refered back to cuatomer care since only 18 month old and unusual, collected 120 discover; ordrng 1 279827 (motor!dryer) and 1 WP694089 (wheel)"
We serviced a
Model MED6230HW0
Near Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Shawn D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"cx complaint unit is no longer drying clothes. inspected unit then checked for errors and had f2e1 f2e2 so cleared them then ran unit and no heat. checked incoming power and has good power. took unit appart to find the inside full of lint, then found heater is open from lint being in heater and on top of heater. cleaned all lint up then replaced heater and tested unit now heats. we checked flow outside and there is a restrition at the end we can see. cx is going to get that t aken care of before using unit due to being a firehazard. unit is good; ordrng 1 WP3387747 (element 85.68 SD V/S), used 1 WP3387747 (element) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ08
Near Clarksburg, MD 20871
Ricardo S.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"Cx complains that the waster filter stuck , inspected unit, a pc of plastic from the filter housing is out of place. replaced water filter, unit tested ok"
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW02
Near Midlothian, VA 23112
Joseph D.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"replaced compressor, evaporator. unit now cooling properly."
We serviced a
Model MVWB765FW0
Near Westminster, MD 21158
Brian R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx complaint is a loud noise and unit shakes bad when spinning. ran a drain and spin and herd sound sjes talking about. checked under unit and pulled rottor and saw a trac of water as well that mags are rusting and causing noise as well. unit will need parts. as soon as approval is given and parts are in office will schedule. might need tub as well but need to replace these parts and test unit again first.; ordrng 1 W11393685 (Gearcase) and 1 W10754158 (Motor Stator) and 1 W10734521 (Clutch) and 1 W10754448 (Clotch) and 1 W10754161 (Rotor) and 1 2count (2 count)
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAKZ0
Near Ocean Pines, MD 21811
Michael E.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Replaced the anti tip brackets as per previous diagnosis. Tested unit and it is now working properly. Job is complete
We serviced a
Model WRF989SDAM03
Near Hummelstown, PA 17036
Justin L.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
as per previous visit was able to access unit and remove freezer led. secured in bin no further work needed
We serviced a
Model MHW3505FW1
Near Stafford, VA 22556
Tanner B.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
Arr at cx to a stacked washer/ dryer. Informed charges to cx and cx declined service. moving on . Job complete
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW3
Near Harrisburg, PA 17104
Justin L.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
cx complaint that after previous repair unit made noise. was able to access unit and found no saved codes. ran diagnostic cycle and during agitation unit made grinding noise. inspected under unit and found that the splutch teeth were grinding and pieces were coming off. replaced part with pre-id calibrated and tested unit now operates as designed. contacted techline as per whirlpool and spoke to Andrew 7733791247 no further work needed
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ01
Near Randallstown, MD 21133
Keith H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
defrosted ice and replaced thermistor
We serviced a
Model KDTM604KPS0
Near Bethesda, MD 20817
Julian H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
CX complaint about unit getting f8e4 overflow condition went to pan and found water noticed that door wasnt closing properly on top left corner even thought tub was level conditions of floor wasnt letting door to close evenly adjusted level to make sure door is closing right clean pan tested couple times on test mode and couldnt find any leaks working as designed now
We serviced a
Model WRS315SDHZ08
Near Strasburg, VA 22657
Ezra M.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"installed valve and fitting, verified water dispensing properly. also advised cust to keep back of shelves clear for proper airflow in rc."
We serviced a
Model EED4100WQ0
Near Harrisburg, PA 17112
Justin L.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
as per previous was able to access unit and replace parts. tested unit now checks good no further work needed
We serviced a
Model WMH32519HV06
Near Chesapeake, VA 23321
Zachery R.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
"while going to replace control new control did not have p3 connector, used service matters to get part number then pasted to tribles, advised cx she will be contacted for return visit.; ordrng 1 W11342846 (control)"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HS
Near Potomac, MD 20854
Julian H.
Job Details: 06/02/2022
CX complaint about unit not heating put unit on test mode no errors confirmed power properly grounded and polarized tested with a cup and magic light for heat waves and working fine tested several times heat everytime tested fan and all ops and working properly